Festival International de la Mode, Villa Noailles, Hyères
conception : Arthur Hoffner & Grégoire Schaller
interprétation : Grégoire Schaller
conception visuelle et scénographie : Arthur Hoffner
production : Lava
coproduction : Villa Noailles
résidences : Villa Noailles, Hyères / Montevideo, Marseille
Once in the Underworld, the Danaids are condemned by the gods to a task as pointless as it is inescapable: the relentless filling of a pierced barrel. In a space somewhere between the dance studio and the home, a weightlifter practices his amateur bodybuilding routines. During the performance, he activates a set of fountains made from rainwater collection barrels, offering the viewer the spectacle of their trickling down. Surrounded by his bodybuilding trophies, posters of himself and his favorite athletes, gleaming plumbing pipes, natural and artificial sponges and a pile of pumice stones, he shapes his body in the image of an object. In his “aesthetic room”, he lifts, shakes and hugs his maternal-shaped cans, and manipulates accessories linked to the water circuit: funnels, tubes and bottles. As the piece progresses, he too becomes a fountain.