Festival Open Space, théâtre l’Étoile du Nord, Paris
conception : Anna Chirescu
interprétation : Anna Chirescu et Catarina Pernao
dramaturgie : Grégoire Schaller
composition musicale : Yoan Chirescu
costumes : Cathy Garnier
production : Anna & Grégoire
coproduction : La Plateforme / Cie Samuel Mathieu – Dispositif territorial-d’accompagnement à la création chorégraphique I CCNT Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours / Direction Thomas Lebrun I Fondation Royaumont résidence de coproduction I Théâtre de l’Etoile du Nord I Le Carreau du Temple Paris Le projet est soutenu par l’aide à l’écriture de l’association Beaumarchais-SACD / Labellisé dans le cadre de la saison France- Portugal de l’Institut Français
Vaca is a duet that takes the cow, an animal emblematic of man’s hold over the living world, as its object and pretext. This piece is imagined as a study of nature, positioned both in a discourse on the animal and in a feeling for it. Laughing cow, milk cow, porthole cow, mad cow, the contemporary cow is both organic factory and pageant muse. It’s everywhere: in mythology, religious imagery, art, supermarket shelves, man models it to his desires. The piece seeks to develop a danced ethology of the cow, to draw a portrait of a being, a temporality, a sensation. At the edge of a landscape, a semi-documentary, semi-fictional ecological fable, Mountain Cow questions the contradictions of this bucolic, trivial animal figure, of the living reduced to matter.