Exposition Derain, Balthus, Giacometti, une amitié artistique, Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris
conception : Anna Chirescu & Grégoire Schaller
interprétation : Anna Chirescu, Simon Déliot, Arthur Hoffner, Florian Pautasso, Clément Rosenberg et Grégoire Schaller
conception visuelle et scénographie : Arthur Hoffner
production : Anna & Grégoire
coproduction : MAM Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris
résidences : le CND Centre National de la Danse, Montevideo créations contemporaines, le Point Ephémère, la Ménagerie de verre
les Indolents is a choreographic performance consisting of four actions: a solo, a duo, a tableau for five dancers, and a final duo. In the spaces of the museum, the performers trace a subjective history of the body, inspired by an iconographic corpus featuring figures posing in frozen attitudes that are in turn dreamy, obscene, indolent, lascivious, morbid or erotic.
From Balthus’s languid young women to Christ on the Cross, from the incubus to Saint Sebastian, a repertoire of images are amalgamated for their postural interest, a priori to any practice of movement. Playing on the body’s sporting, aesthetic and choreographic forms, the performance questions the commemorative and suggestive power of gesture, and the evocative charge it carries.