Festival Étrange Cargo, la Ménagerie de verre, Paris
conception : Florian Pautasso & Grégoire Schaller
interprétation : Stéphanie Aflalo
production : Anna & Grégoire
coproduction : La Ménagerie de verre
résidences : La Ménagerie de verre, le Centquatre-Paris, le Parc de La Villette
Crash is a variation on the car accident. During this informal get-together, we revolve around this object-playing partner, drawing inspiration from it out of fascination, distancing ourselves from it out of fear, challenging it out of conviction. Above all, we question it, since it is an essential part of our lives. Bodies pass through this face-to-face encounter, before the eyes of an assembly of spectators close to the action. The fetishist body, dazzling and consumerist, which celebrates and enjoys the car in all its violence, the victim body, hindered, decreasing, revolutionary. Finally, the robot body, incarnation of the machine itself. The “crash”, the fatal encounter between flesh and technology, sometimes the worst nightmare, sometimes the ultimate fantasy. It may also embody a breaking point, and we begin to imagine that human beings will oppose the hecatomb of progress.